May 30 - The Cross and the Switchblade

May 30 – The Cross and the Switchblade

In 1958, a young pastor saw the cover of TIME magazine and on it were seven young gang members from New York City who were charged with murder.  David Wilkerson was moved by the Holy Spirit to go to New York City and he began a ministry on the streets of that city to the drug addicts, prostitutes and gang members.  He placed himself into situations with these young people, knowing that God would protect him or take him home.

His bravery and full confidence in God touched many young men, including Nicky Cruz who pulled a switchblade on Wilkerson and soon came to see Jesus Christ and recognize him as his own personal savior.  His story was then told in a book called “Run, Baby, Run.”

In the 1960s, he and his wife met with two other couples in Colorado and from those prayer times, three programs were developed to reach out to young people.  David Wilkerson started “Teen Challenge” which can be found in cities around the country, Loren & Darlene Cunningham began the “Youth With A Mission (YWAM)” program and Howard & Pat Foltz began “Teen Challenge Europe-Asia.”  The Teen Challenge programs work directly with drug addicts using a biblically-based program that is recognized as a leader in recovery.

Wilkerson has spearheaded many other youth-oriented programs, hoping to bring kids to Christ before they get lost in the world. 

He is now known for his disaster prophecies as he attempts to challenge the Church of God to bring itself to holiness, but his greatest story is told from the streets of New York City where he reached out with compassion to young men.  He reached out with a love that surpassed fear to bring the Gospel of Jesus to those that had never known love.


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