May 2 - Sign Me Up!

May 2 – Sign Me Up!

Dwight L. Moody’s revivals changed the lives of a lot of people, but in 1886, he held a month-long summer revival for college students.  As the first couple of weeks passed, it seemed like any normal Bible camp, but then a young man with a heart for missions gathered a group of others to pray about bringing a spirit for missions to the conference.  By the end of the month, one hundred young people made a commitment to go to the world.

Not only did they make this commitment, they also organized so that the commitment would spread.  Robert Wilder traveled to colleges throughout the year, organizing groups of students who wished to be missionaries.  The next year he and a friend traveled to 167 colleges and over 2200 students signed up for the foreign mission field. 

In 1888, a core group of fifty met to appoint leaders to continue motivating this spirit.  John Mott turned this into a powerhouse, forming the Student Volunteer Movement.  He worked with mission societies and promised to supply them with missionaries.  By 1914, over 5000 missionaries had been sent into the field through the work of the Student Volunteer Movement.  At the same time, the excitement that surrounded this group inspired missionaries around the world.

In 1910, Mott worked with the International Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, which led to the World Council of Churches. 

John Mott was a man who believed in his mission.  He was offered an ambassadorship to China, the college presidency of Princeton and a chance to be Secretary of State, refusing all of these because he believed that the missionary movement was so important.

The work of these students impacted the world and opened the way for future missionaries. 


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