May 21 - A Man Called Peter

May 21 – A Man Called Peter

Many of you have read Catherine Marshall’s book “Christy” (or maybe you saw the television shows or movies), or possibly have read some of her other books, but the man that she was married to before starting her writing career was an incredible personality.  In fact, her first book told his life story and became a runaway best seller – “A Man Called Peter.”

Peter Marshall’s grew up not far from Glasgow, Scotland.  His father died when he was four and his stepfather was an abusive alcoholic who finally kicked him out of the house.  Peter wanted to go to China as a missionary, but couldn’t finish his education.  He worked long hours during the day, attending night school, fully committed to living his life in God’s service.  A cousin encouraged him to move to the United States, offering to pay his way.  Peter spent three weeks in constant prayer, begging God to let him know God’s will and after the three weeks were up, he was assured that God had a place for him in America.

His first years in the United States weren’t easy.  He knew no one and ended up digging ditches to make his way.  All of a sudden, God opened a way for Peter Marshall.  He said that "Within the space of a few short weeks, I had joined the First Presbyterian Church, had been recommended by the Session as a candidate for the gospel ministry, had spoken at a prayer meeting, had been elected president of the young people's league, had become interested in the Boy Scouts of that church, and had been asked to become the teacher of the Men's Bible Class."

Peter Marshall continued his education and ended up preaching in Washington, DC at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church.  All of those years of waiting and preparing opened Peter’s heart to God’s word and it was obvious in his preaching.  Hundred had to be turned away because there was no room for all who came to hear him speak on Sunday mornings.

On January 4, 1947, Peter Marshall was appointed as the chaplain of the United States Senate.  Senators would arrive early just to hear him pray, “O Lord our God, even at this moment as we come blundering into Thy presence in prayer, we are haunted by memories of duties unperformed, promptings disobeyed, and beckonings ignored. Opportunities to be kind knocked on the door of our hearts and went weeping away..."

In 1949 at the age of 45, Peter Marshall had been the Senate Chaplain for two years and died of a heart attack.  This man touched hundreds of people in a great way in just a short period of time. 


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