January 28 - Stand up and say NO!

January 28 - Stand up and say NO!

The church didn't give up much ground once Constantine offered it freedom. There would never be another time when it was under the great persecution it experienced under the Roman emperors.

In 385 AD, Bishop Ambrose, in Milan, had been ordered the give the Empress Justina control of the Cathedral. He flat out refused. Her bodyguard stood with her as she ordered him out. But, the worshipers stood their ground with him, singing and speaking Psalms. The people, who still knew the hideous tales of persecution, expected that there would be a massacre.

Ambrose had been groomed to be an official in the Emperor's government. He was trained in law and had been named a governor of the territory around Milan. While he was governor, an Arian (remember those guys?) was the bishop. When this bishop died, a riot ensued during the selection of his successor. Ambrose showed up to calm things down and all of a sudden, a hue and cry arose to elect him as Bishop. What the heck? He hadn't even been baptized. But, they rushed him through the process and he became bishop of Milan.

He believed in orthodox Christianity as taught by the Council of Nicea and as bishop, he studied scripture and the church Father and began to preach regularly. He was a brilliant man and highly admired. He wrote hymns and taught Augustine (who we'll meet tomorrow).

So, here we are with Justina outside the cathedral. She wanted to return the building to the Arians. Ambrose refused and everyone waited. The soldiers were there, ready to remove him by force. But, all of a sudden, they left. No one is sure why, but Ambrose prevailed against the Empire ... a new sense of power for the church.


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