January 13 - Word Up?

January 13 – Word Up?

Living as a Christian in the second century was really difficult. They had to deal with persecution from many different areas, they were really trying to figure out what was up and down with their faith. They didn’t have the benefit of thousands of years of scholars and preachers and teachers to make their faith walk easier.

So, what was it about Christianity that made the church work? Was it common tradition? Was it Scripture? Was it Faith? Was it God’s Spirit? What was it.

In many parts of the Empire, churches focused on the Word – through scripture – and were led by their clergy – the Overseer. This was a firm foundation for them to work from … until … people started wondering about those miracles that happened in the book of Acts? You know, all that prophesying that was talked about in Acts 2?

Whoosh … a movement of the Holy Spirit went wild in the churches. Three people in Phrygia began prophesying – Prisca, Maximilla and Montanus. Roman church leaders didn’t like this very much and denounced them, but not everyone agreed with that. They were worried that if the New Prophets were all kicked out, they might miss some true prophets along with the false prophets.

This movement of the Holy Spirit brought about a sense of personal holiness, raising standards of morality.

A division was developing between the Roman church and these New Prophets. The Church tried to emphasize the importance of the Overseers – this was a chain of command that worked. The church’s holiness was because of the Overseer. The church contained both holy and unholy people – as long as they were led by a holy Overseer, they were united as the Church in God’s Spirit.

The New Prophets taught that the church’s holiness was in the lives of the believers. If unholy people were allowed into the church, then the church wouldn’t be pure enough to be Christ’s bride.

None of this was really working well. Because what they weren’t understanding is that it wasn’t one or the other. The holiness of the church came from the Spirit (1 Peter 1:2).

They’ll figure it out at some point.


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The history of Christianity is filled with our humanity. Through it all, though, God continues to work. Join me as I explore the events in history that have taken us from Jesus' resurrection to today. It's a fascinating story!