June 2 - Whoosh!

June 2 – Whoosh!

Yesterday’s post was the last dedicated post to Christian History from me for awhile.  This has been a great deal of fun!  I’ve learned so much.

This fall I begin seminary at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.  I can do the majority of the classes online, so will be hiding out at the cabin as much as possible while I study and learn, read and write. 

While I have enjoyed every moment of learning about church history and writing these daily blogs, I’m going to take the rest of the summer to do some other writing projects.  I will continue the Bible Study at Pour Out a Blessing … I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to give that up.

I am quite confident that at some point I will revisit this blog – there is still so much of Christian History that I need to learn and for me, the best way to learn is for me to teach and share.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!


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The history of Christianity is filled with our humanity. Through it all, though, God continues to work. Join me as I explore the events in history that have taken us from Jesus' resurrection to today. It's a fascinating story!